Remove Subnet

Objective: Removing the aws-veeam-subnet1

We need to simulate a change taking place.


For the first part of this section, we are going to remove the Explicit Subnet Associated with aws-veeam-subnet1.

AWS Account

  1. Within the AWS Console, Click Search
  2. Type: VPC
  3. Click on VPC within the Search Box AWS Console Search VPC
  4. On the left menu bar, Click Route Tables
  5. Search for the Route Table called aws-veeam-subnet1
  6. Select the Route Table for Subnet1
  7. Click The Subnet Associations Tab at the bottom. Notice aws-veeam-subnet1 AWS Route Table for Subnet1
  8. Click Edit Subnet Associations
  9. Uncheck aws-veeam-subnet1
  10. Click Save associations AWS Remove IGW for Subnet2

Verify Hello, World Doesn’t work

If you still have the browser tab open to this: AWS Website Test Page

  1. Click Refresh and you should see Hello World Doesn’t Work Hello You

  2. Go back to Policies tab

  3. Select VPC tab

  4. Select the VPC Configuration Backup

  5. Click Start (to run manually another backup)

  6. See that in the Sessions below, 1 RouteTable was changed, under the column Changes

Time to Restore VPC Configuration