Recover Amazon EC2 Instance

Veeam Backup for AWS offers the following restore options:

Instance Restore — restores an entire EC2 instance.
Volume Restore — restores EBS volumes attached to an EC2 instance.
File-Level Restore — restores individual files and folders of an EC2 instance.

You can restore EC2 instance data to the most recent state or to any available restore point.


Hello World

Hello World Website

  1. Go to your AWS Console
  2. In the Top Search Area Type: CloudFormation
  3. Select Cloudformation AWS CloudFormation Search
  4. Within the Stack Name Section, Locate and Select the Stack with aws-veeam-workshop
  5. On the TOP TABS, Select Output AWS CloudFormation Veeam Instance Stack
  6. Right-Click the Website URL & Select Open in a New Tab
  7. Click on the new tab and you should see the following AWS Hello World