
Hey you! yeah you! Don’t forget to go back and clean up all the resources used or it will cost you… literally!


The original deployment using AWS CloudFormation was changed, which means CF can’t remove all the resources since they weren’t originally deployed using it. Think of it as an untrackable drift. This means you have some extra work to do!

Remove Veeam Backup for AWS

AWS Account

  1. Go to your AWS Console
  2. In the Top Search Area Type: CloudFormation
  3. Select Cloudformation AWS CloudFormation Search
  4. Select aws-veeam-workshop
  5. In the upper right corner, Click Delete
  6. Click Delete stack Veeam Delete Stack


    AWS CloudFormation should clean up all resources but you should always verify that they were deleted or removed so you aren’t charged any usage!

  7. Verify That the stack and all resources were deleted.

AWS CloudFormation Stack DELETE_FAILED

Amazon S3 Bucket might fail to delete because there are resources in the bucket from the Veeam Backup. In case that happens follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the Delete_Failed Stacks
  2. At the top Click Events
  3. Find the Status DELETE_FAILED and the Reason Veeam Delete Stack Failed

Amazon S3 Bucket Removal

  1. Go to your AWS Console
  2. In the Top Search Area Type: CloudFormation
  3. Select S3
  4. Select bucket aws-veeam-bucket-us-east-1-bucket-xxxxxxxx
  5. Click Empty
  6. Type permanently delete
  7. Click Empty Veeam Empty S3 Bucket
  8. Go back to the AWS CloudFormation Console and Click Delete again
  9. If you receive this notication, Click Delete Stack because we’ve already removed the S3 Bucket Veeam Empty CF S3 Bucket
  10. Select the bucket again, Click Delete
  11. Enter the bucket name
  12. Select Delete Bucket Veeam Delete CF S3 Bucket

Workshop Resource Removal Verification

AWS EC2 Instances

  1. Within your AWS Console, Click Search, Type EC2, and Click on EC2 within the Search Box
  2. In the Instance List, Verify that both Veeam EC2 EFS instances were deleted, including the Veeam Free Edition instance. Total of three (3) instances. If not, select the instances and manually terminate them

AWS Snapshots

  1. On the left side of the EC2 Dashboard, Select Snapshots AWS EC2 Snapshots
  2. Select All snapshots, Click Actions, Click Delete AWS EC2 Snapshots Delete

AWS EC2 Volumes

  1. On the left side of the EC2 Dashboard, Select Volumes AWS EC2 Volumes Delete
  2. Click Actions
  3. Click Delete
  4. Type delete
  5. Click Delete AWS EC2 Volumes Delete Confirm

AWS Security Groups

  1. On the left side of the EC2 Dashboard
  2. Select Security Groups AWS EC2 Security Groups
  3. Select All snapshots, Click Actions, Type delete
  4. Click Delete AWS RDS Security Gruops